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University of Texas Arlington


Performative Precast is a three-year program of integrated design and seminar courses for graduate level students at the University of Texas at Arlington. The design studio course will be taught in the fall semester, while the seminar course will be taught in the spring semester of each year by Bradley Bell, Assistant Professor of Architecture. These courses will concentrate on a specific area of precast application (façade, structure, infrastructure) and together will provide a unique opportunity to conduct in-depth design and research into digitally fabricated precast concrete components.

As a fundamental principal of the courses, emphasis will be on the impact new digital design tools can make on the methods and types of formwork used in precast manufacturing. Performative, as it is being used in this manner, suggests how the application of new technological issues such as green building practices, parametrically derived geometries, composite materials, and advanced sensor integration might advance precast into a different design and construction paradigm.

With an extensive area of expertise in this area led by Professor Bell, UTA will also augment this knowledge base with technical expertise through already established industry partnerships and through collaborative partnerships with the UTA engineering school. The Perfomative Precast curriculum is poised to examine and research some of the most innovative aspects of precast concrete shaping the future.

In addition to building on the research work and partnerships already in place at the University, the students will have the opportunity to travel to precast plants and hear from industry experts throughout the semester. 

Copyright, PCI Foundation, 2024
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