Did you know that 100% of the PCI Foundation funding comes from donations?
Join a group of passionate supporters of precast concrete education when you become a renewed or new sustaining donor to the PCI Foundation. This year, the PCI Foundation is asking our industry friends "Why?" Of course, that is just the beginning to a lot of different questions. Why does the PCI Foundation program work? Why should you be a part of it? And why aren't you already?
The sustaining donor program allows the PCI Foundation to not only meet the needs of the students we serve today, but also helps us to plan for the future. Knowing that we have a stream of donations coming in allows us to spend less time on fundraising and more time on programming. It gives us a chance to better use the few resources we have.
A monthly recurring donation also allows supporters to spread the financial impact of your giving across the entire year. But just because you set your credit card to give once a month and and forget about it, don't think the PCI Foundation forgets about you. We honor our sustaining donors, without whom our programs would be so much less than they are now.
This year, we are honoring those who renew their sustaining donation or set up a new donation of $60 or more a year with a new PCI baseball jersey. We love to get together at PCI Committee Days and celebrate our individual donors at the Concrete Chefs dinner.
So please, donate today using the form at the right, or text "whynot" to 41-444 to donate or update your previous donation on your phone. Pick up your new shirt during PCI Committee Days September 20-24 in Chicago.
Because, why not?