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What do the students have to say?

The feedback that the PCI Foundation receives from students continues to be very positive.Students note that the contact with our industry and travel to the plants and PCI meetings continues to be very rewarding.  Some recent comments from PCI Foundation students include:

Adam Goldberg, Washington University of St. Louis

Being able to attend the PCI Convention was an incredibly worthwhile experience as both a student of architecture and construction management, as well as a future young professional. As a team leader for Washington University’s Solar Decathlon, I was able to connect with industry representatives who were eager to assist in the upcoming construction of our project. Learning how to network and truly interact with professionals in the building industry is an element of the architectural education that is usually left out. However, being able to attend an event like this provided invaluable experience to take with me into the future.

Anna Huen, University of Colorado Denver

It is fascinating. There is so much about precast that we still have yet to learn. There are so many aspects of it that aren’t architectural that has opened up our eyes to it. It was an awesome experience. 

Monique Kowalik, North Carolina State

The best part of the convention to me was learning about all the different products and materials used in the industry, along with networking with these producers. It is knowledge I will take with me into my professional career. Sending more students to the annual convention is worth it. There were so many connections I made through the convention.

Veronica Leanos, University of Washington

If I continue to do further research in precast concrete, I would like to look more into incorporating 3D printing. I attended the Materials of The Future lecture and they brought up the topic of how people are already printing reinforcing and precast pieces. I would look into the feasibility in 3D printing the formwork. I feel maybe with 3D printing formwork would cause less material waste, too.

Ansley Prodoehl, University of Colorado Denver

Working with the PCI Foundation we were able to work with leaders in the structural field and get their real world experience and understanding how these pieces would be erected. I knew the foundation of how and why you might use precast, but I didn’t realize the intricacies of all the components and how they are all brought together. I think it is a good way to be productive in the construction while using a lot of detail in the facades.  I’m very grateful to have gotten the opportunity to be part of the studio.

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