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2022 Poster Session

Congratulations on presenting a poster about your precast program experience and representing your school. You will have a poster in Booth #2433, which is in the middle of the The Precast Show floor, right next to the PCI booth.


Watch the video at the right for some quick tips on coming to Kansas City or look below for detailed information.

Getting There and Once You Are There


Students who are student members of PCI will receive free registration for the convention. They should use the code CVSTUDENT.

If you are not already a member, become a member here.





Once you are a member, register here. Professors who are academic members of PCI will receive a discounted rate of $315 (early bird) or $415 (after January 20, 2022). They should use the code CVACAD




In order to get to the floor to put up your poster, you will need to request an exhibitor badge holder.  ASK FOR AN EXHIBITOR BADGE HOLDER at registration. If you run into any issues with this ask for Cindi Ward who manages the registration desk, and she will get you sorted out.


Please put your poster up as soon as possible in Booth #2433. All posters must be up before 10:30 am on Thursday March 3. 



Wednesday March 2

11 am – 5 pm

Put up posters


Thursday March 3

8 am – 10:30 am

Put up posters


2 pm – 7 pm

Show floor is open


Friday  March 4

11 am – 5 pm

Show floor is open


Saturday March 5

10 am – 1 pm

Show floor is open

You may put up your poster as soon as you arrive at the show. There will be a “space holder” poster for each school where your poster belongs. Please use that space.


The best times for putting up your posters is Wednesday between 11 and 5 pm or Thursday between 8 am and 10 am


If you are taking part in Project Precast you will not have time to exhibit at the poster session.



The poster presentation area will be in booth in the exhibition hall. Your poster will occupy an area 4’ x 8’ and can be attached to the cloth board with push pins, thumb tacks, staples or hook (male) Velcro (bring your own). You will have a small table/counter space directly in front of your poster. I have included an image of the stand. In previous years, this has been shared by two schools, but this year each school will get its own presentation area. ONE SIDE PER SCHOOL.


Bring your own thumbtacks.


There will be shared electricity in the booth, enough to recharge phones and computers, but not enough to continuously run a computer or monitor.


All students attending the PCI Convention and Precast Show must agree to follow the PCI Code of Conduct.

poster session booth.png


Questions on site about registration should be ask of Cindi Ward. Questions about the Poster Session can be emailed to Ray Clark at

Copyright, PCI Foundation, 2025
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