California Here We Come!
The 2021 Professors Seminar program will take place June 2-4 at Sacramento State and Clark Pacific. Architecture, Engineering and Construction Management Professors interested in networking and learning more about adding precast concrete curriculum to their programs can attend a free three-day Professor Seminar offered by the PCI Foundation. DRAFTJS_BLOCK_KEY:a3v4lThe schedule below is taught by professors who have received curriculum development grants from the PCI Foundation and other subject matter experts. Qualified professors receive free registration, event meals and hotel accommodations.
RSVP here - either click here for the RSVP link or text "ProfSeminar" on your cell to 91-999

Wednesday June 2
9 am - noon Precast 101 (optional)
noon Lunch
1 pm - 5:30 pm Peer-to-peer education
7 pm Group Dinner
Thursday June 3
8:00 am - 5:00 pm Field Trips
Dinner on your own
Friday June 4
8:00 am - 11:00 am Industry Resources
11:00 am - 2:00 pm How to Write a PCI Foundation Grant Proposal (optional)
Our host hotel is the Larkspur Landing and hotel costs for Professors is free. We welcome all Professors of Architecture, Engineering or Construction Management from universities in North America. For Partners and others, we have a terrific hotel rate and will be sending you details shortly. We encourage Partners to sponsor a Professor’s travel to the event. For more information contact Marty McIntyre,